Active Listening, Second Edition, is grounded in the theory that learners are more successful listeners when they activate their prior knowledge of a topic. Student’s Book 1 is intended for beginning-level students. The Student’s Book offers 16 task-based units, each built around an engaging topic. Through a careful balance of activities, students learn to listen for main ideas, to listen for details, and to listen and make inferences. Prelistening schema-building activities help students build vocabulary, and listen-again activities provide additional skills practice. A full page of optional speaking activities with pronunciation practice is provided in each unit. Expansion units, with authentic student interviews, offer rich cultural material and provide review. A free Self-Study Audio CD is also included in every Student’s Book. 

Sách chuyên luyện nghe dành cho trình độ từ cơ bản đến nâng cao giúp cải thiện kỹ năng nghe một cách đáng kể. Sách của NXB Đại học Cambridge (Anh)

Mỗi một level bao gồm Student book, Audio,

Báo giá: 70.000 vnđ / Active listening 1

              90.000 vnd / Active listening 2

              90.000 vnđ / Active listening 3

Liên hệ: 0988.674.911 email:

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