Essential Academic Vocabulary, Mastering the complete Academic Word List, Helen Huntley
253 pages
Essential Academic Vocabulary
- Chapter 1: Learning Styles
- Chapter 2: Stress in College life
- Chapter 3: Student Housing
- Chapter 4: Student Activities
- Chapter 5: Review
- Chapter 6: Education
- Chapter 7: Business
- Chapter 8: Marketing
- Chapter 9: Economics
- Chapter 10: Review
- Chapter 11: Psychology
- Chapter 12: History
- Chapter 13: Political Science
- Chapter 14: Linguistics
- Chapter 15: Review
- Chapter 16: Environmental Science
- Chapter 17: Geology
- Chapter 18: Chemistry
- Chapter 19: Infomation Science and Technology
- Chapter 20: Cumulative Review
Teacher’s Resources:
Báo giá: Bản mềm PDF: 50k | Mua bản mềm Online: link
Answer keys: 50k | | Mua bản mềm Online: link
Tests + Syllabus +Vocabulary Resources : 40k | Mua bản mềm Online: link