Ielts writing Masterclass 8.5, Marc Roche
245 pages

IELTS Writing Masterclass 8.5. IELTS Writing Masterclass 8.5.
Master IELTS Writing Academic + General Task 1 & 2, Including
Graphs, Letters, Essay Writing & Grammar for IELTS Academic &
General Training , is a fully comprehensive self-study IELTS writing book
designed for IELTS learners who want to achieve a band score of 8.5 in the
IELTS Academic or General Writing tests.
Students are guided step-by-step through the different tasks to achieve
the highest possible grade in the real exam. The activities in this book have
been developed in the classroom by IELTS instructors with many years’
experience in helping hundreds of candidates reach the highest possible
scores in the exam.
IELTS Writing Masterclass 8.5. IELTS Writing Masterclass 8.5.
Master IELTS Writing Academic + General Task 1 & 2, Including
Graphs, Letters, Essay Writing & Grammar for IELTS Academic &
General Training , shows candidates how to organize and structure an
answer for all types of IELTS Academic and General writing tasks in the
exam. This book quickly develops students´ fluency and confidence in
producing Advanced pieces of writing and contains specialized IELTS
grammar exercises in each unit, showing students how to apply a wide
range of grammar items in their IELTS writing.

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