Inside Reading 3, second edition, The Academic Word List in Context, Bruce Rubin, Cheryl boyd Zimmerman, Oxford




Inside Reading 3, second edition, The Academic Word List in Context, Bruce Rubin, Cheryl boyd Zimmerman, Oxford

    Inside Reading Second Edition is a five-level academic reading series that develops students’ reading skills and teaches key academic vocabulary from the Academic Word List. With a new Introductory level, Inside Reading Second Edition prepares students to understand academic texts, while acquiring key academic vocabulary from the Academic Word List. Each unit in Inside Reading features two high-interest reading texts from an academic content area, reading skills relevant to the academic lesson, and targeted words from the Academic Word List.
Unit 1 From Market to Mall.
Unit 2 Megacities.
Unit 3 In the Public Eye.
Unit 4 Staying Alive.
Unit 5 Bodies in Motion.
Unit 6 The Physics of Fun.
Unit 7 Mind Wide Open.
Unit 8 Child Prodigies.
Unit 9 The Competitive Instinct.
Unit 10 Getting There.

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