English for the 21st Century, C21, Level 1 Coursebook, Nina O’Driscoll, Garnet Education



English for the 21st Century, C21, Level 1 Coursebook, Nina O’Driscoll, Garnet Education

The Course Book is at the heart of C21 – with beautifully designed pages providing rich material and engaging activities.

C21 skills (a combination of academic and 21st century skills) are integrated into every spread and are introduced in a way that makes them accessible from A1 level. A new skill is introduced in each section of the book, with five skills per unit and 30 skills in total per level.

There are four pages of material in each unit that encourage learners to explore the skills area and put new ideas into practice. The overall aim is for students to take responsibility for their own learning and develop a wide range of skills that can be applied to their everyday life at home, at college or school, and at work.

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