


The key to Ielts Speaking Band 7,8,9, Pauline Cullen, Key to Ielts
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Hiện đã cập nhật đến Lesson 11

  • Lesson 1 clears up myths about IELTS Speaking and helps you think like an examiner
  • Lessons 2 and 3 look at pronunciation – a key problem separating the lower and higher bands
  • Lesson 4 looks at problems in Fluency and coherence and how to solve them
  • Lesson 5 looks at the role of memory in speaking and introduces my IELTS Speaking Journal
  • Lessons 6-8 look at how to elevate your language in Part 1, 2 and 3
  • Lesson 9 covers advanced pronunciation skills
  • Lesson 10 covers advanced grammar in speaking
  • Lessons 11 onwards help you build vocabulary and develop advance speaking skills
  • Lessons 12: Discusing work, hopes, and dreams
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